December, 2013

  1. Last Stop: Lake Placid

    August 5, 2013
    Posted on December 31, 2013

    View from Whiteface Mountain

    The last morning of our trip started rather lazily. We did not have any immediate plans and did not really do much research about the Lake Placid area, aside from knowing that it’s nestled in the middle of Adirondacks so it should be pretty when served the right way. We started out by slowly riding through the town in search of a good breakfast. Continue reading…

  2. Riding up Mount Washington

    August 4, 2013
    Posted on December 29, 2013

    The day was sunny and cool, seemed like a perfect day for a ride up Mount Washington! Not wanting to waste any time, we had a quick breakfast in the hotel and headed back by the familiar roads towards the mountain. Continue reading…

  3. Long Days and Long Nights

    August 1-3, 2013
    Posted on

    Leaving Newfoundland, sunset over Channel-Port aux Basques Lighthouse

    This entry will be long and painful. It spans 3 days and does not have nearly as many awesome photos as it should, because sometimes the road is not throwing exciting things at you all the time, and sometimes you just get dog tired of it. And sometimes you just need a break so you can go for that last stretch with a refreshed mind. Continue reading…

  4. Going back West

    July 31, 2013
    Posted on December 25, 2013

    On our last morning in St. John’s we had a particularly engaging breakfast conversation with fellow travellers. It was a couple from Québec who travelled on a GS1200. Although currently they were on a mellow tour of Newfoundland, the rider shared a more hard core story of going on his bike to James Bay. He travelled there alone and got stuck, but thankfully his wife was able to come to his rescue, after many continuous hours of driving and with lots of spare fuel carried on board, since provisions are hard to come by in that rarely visited section of Northern Québec. There were many stories exchanged, including a friendly note that if you ever ride in India, the elephants always have the right of way. It’s easy to get distracted with a good conversation, so we ended up late for our tire change appointment. Still in about 15 minutes my TU250 was perched up on the stand and got some new rubber on. By 10am we were ready to roll west, towards the “perfectly centred” Grand Falls-Windsor.

    Southport, Newfoundland

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