Posts Tagged ‘motorcycle’

  1. We rode two days for these fish tacos

    April 22-23, 2017
    Posted on October 23, 2017

    Following the coast to Matt’s avocado farm

    When we decide to fly, we fly far, but when we dream, we fly further. Our dream was to ride around Baja, and now that we flew across the continent to live in California, our dream started turning into a plan. In retrospect we over-prepared in some ways and didn’t prepare enough in others, but none of it mattered anymore. The morning we left, there was a visceral energy in the air – a mixture of fear, excitement and hope. We planned to explore Baja Norte off-road and we didn’t know what was going to happen. Will we have enough fuel? How will we manage in deep sand with all our luggage? What’s going to happen if we get stuck in the middle of nowhere? How will we manage with our lack of Spanish? Life’s beauty lies in the experience and so in there we will find our answers.

    The Pacific just off Mex 1

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  2. White Hot Pocket

    September 9, 2015
    Posted on September 16, 2017

    The morning in Vermillion Cliffs was sunny and warm. We ate squished apple turnovers for breakfast and spotted a pair of long ears in the grass nearby. The jackrabbit was also having breakfast and did not seem bothered at all by our presence.

    Black-tailed jackrabbit

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  3. On the road again

    September 6-8, 2015
    Posted on June 20, 2017

    It was a Sunday morning – great time to be needing to send that last box of leftover motorcycle parts home. The post offices are all closed and does not accept a non-US credit card billing address. After much trying, I finally tricked it into giving me a shipping label, left the box with the hotel clerk and we were out.

    In about two hours we turned off the main highway somewhere in the Coachella Valley and I had to finally stop and snap a photo of these marvellous wind farms, which were literally everywhere.

    Upon finishing this masterpiece of desert photography, I was about to start riding again but forgot the WR250R was a tad taller than my previous ride, and the road shoulder had a slant, and the stars were not aligned right… In glorious slow motion I tilted to the side and did not stop tilting until my bike and I were down in the bushes.

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  4. At least they have beaches in LA

    August 31 — September 5, 2015
    Posted on May 31, 2017

    There are worse places to get stuck in, I suppose. Death Valley would be one of them. A little known fact is that there was a time when I dreamed of being a movie star and coming to Hollywood. By the time we started this trip I was feeling the opposite, and was going to skip Los Angeles entirely. The joke was on me, here I was, involuntarily stuck in the City of Angels, betrayed by the blown pistons of a tired 225 cc engine.

    The broken heart of the XT225

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